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Many Saints were present at the Transfiguration of Jesus. The following saints are listed in Matthew 17: Peter, James, John, Moses, and Elijah. Other saints were present as well. Let the Transfiguration inspire you to become a saint. Start by praying and becoming holy.
Become a Saint today. Think of Heaven as a glorious place, one of God and Light and Saints and Angels and perfection. Saints are those people who strive for perfection and truth. Saints go to extremes for the Kingdom of God. Saints are often persecuted and may not be popular in this world. The Apostles of Jesus are saints. The Virgin Mary is a saint. The old testament prophets such as Elijah are saints. John the Baptist is a saint. Many people of various ages are saints, some of them very common people. Philomena was was a saint during the age of martyrs in the earily church. Miracles were associated with her life. Francis of Assisi is a saint. See the PRAYER page for the prayer of Saint Francis. Therese of Lisieux, "The Little Flower", is a modern saint.
Saints may come from a diversity of peoples and occupations. Treat all people with kindness. The stranger that you are talking to, may be a saint, unknown to you. All saints will receive a crown of glory when they arrive in Heaven. Pray together with others. From Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." Pray before you start important work. Let the Light of Jesus Christ shine through you in everything that you do, both at home and at work. Think like a saint, and do things with perfection. Keep the vision of Heaven in mind at every moment of the day.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints
Think of yourself as a Saint when you are at work. Give all glory to God. Do everything with perfection, and let the light of Jesus Christ shine through you to everyone that you come in contact with. Pray as you work during the day.
Do your daily work as if you were a saint. Do everything for the glory of God. Be as perfect as you can in your daily assignments, and do not forget any tasks. Think if anything can be done better. Improvement and perfection are great signs. Some day, you will be a saint, if you are not one already.
Think of yourself as a saint. Say a prayer as you start each day. Give all glory to God for your work on the computer. Let's the glory of God shine in your work each day. Work hard at every thing that you do.
Be a saint where ever you go or do. Think about the earth and all of God's glory.
Exercise to live a long life and give glory to God. Sing for joy outdoors. Enjoy the outdoors and look for all the beauty than can be found.
Become a saint in whatever you do or wherever you travel. Life may take you to where you least expect. Spread the kingdom of God and the gospel message at home, work and wherever you go. Tell those whom you meet to pray and go to church every week. Teach them about eternity and Heaven and praying every day. Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit.
There are saints all over the world, serving in many different capacities and working in many different occupations. Rejoice, and strive to become a saint. Pray each day that you many serve Jesus Christ, who died for you, was raised from the dead and ascended into Heaven.
Be a holy person. Think each day how you can help other people, and think about the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Your goal is Heaven, and you need to strive by your behavior to represent Jesus Christ and Heaven. Other people need to know and see that you are Holy and serve Jesus Christ. Give all glory to God.
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